Traffic report

One of the strangest things for me about lockdown is the lack of traffic. In more normal times, the cars queue along our road during busy periods of the day, and the hum of traffic from Cemetery Junction is constant during the daytime. Now, when we sit in the garden, the most prominent sound is birdsong. The odd emergency vehicle, sometimes the sound of neighbours (although we are the chattiest neighbours outdoors, by far), yesterday morning at breakfast a formation of white geese honking overhead. 

It's just before 8 on a Saturday morning, and there have been no more than a couple of cars going by. I'm still not used to it. But I like it. In many ways life seems to have slowed down, and this is one of those ways. It's perhaps too much to hope for that we won't return to sitting in long queues of traffic, our cars daily belching out fumes. But the longer this goes on, the more used we become to not travelling unnecessarily, perhaps there is a glimmer of hope after all.
